frame relay
Frame Relay

A DTE-DCE interface specification based
on LAPD (Q.921), the Integrated Services Digital Network
version of LAPB (X.25 data link layer). A common
specification was produced by a consortium of StrataCom,
Cisco, Digital, and Northern Telecom.

Frame Relay is the result of wide area networking
requirements for speed; LAN-WAN and LAN-LAN
internetworking; "bursty" data communications; multiplicity
of protocols and protocol transparency. These
requirements can be met with technology such as {optical
fibre} lines, allowing higher speeds and fewer transmission
errors; intelligent network end devices (personal computers,
workstations, and servers); standardisation and adoption
of ISDN protocols. Frame Relay could connect dedicated lines
and X.25 to ATM, SMDS, BISDN and other "fast packet"

Frame Relay uses the same basic data link layer framing and
Frame Check Sequence so current X.25 hardware still works.
It adds addressing (a 10-bit Data Link Connection Identifier
(DLCI)) and a few control bits but does not include
retransmissions, link establishment, windows or error
recovery. It has none of X.25's session layer but adds some
simple interface management. Any network layer protocol can
be used over the data link layer Frames.

{Frame Relay Resource Center

podobné slovodefinícia
frame relay
Frame Relay

A DTE-DCE interface specification based
on LAPD (Q.921), the Integrated Services Digital Network
version of LAPB (X.25 data link layer). A common
specification was produced by a consortium of StrataCom,
Cisco, Digital, and Northern Telecom.

Frame Relay is the result of wide area networking
requirements for speed; LAN-WAN and LAN-LAN
internetworking; "bursty" data communications; multiplicity
of protocols and protocol transparency. These
requirements can be met with technology such as {optical
fibre} lines, allowing higher speeds and fewer transmission
errors; intelligent network end devices (personal computers,
workstations, and servers); standardisation and adoption
of ISDN protocols. Frame Relay could connect dedicated lines
and X.25 to ATM, SMDS, BISDN and other "fast packet"

Frame Relay uses the same basic data link layer framing and
Frame Check Sequence so current X.25 hardware still works.
It adds addressing (a 10-bit Data Link Connection Identifier
(DLCI)) and a few control bits but does not include
retransmissions, link establishment, windows or error
recovery. It has none of X.25's session layer but adds some
simple interface management. Any network layer protocol can
be used over the data link layer Frames.

{Frame Relay Resource Center

frame relay access device
Frame Relay Access Device

(FRAD) Hardware and software that turns
packets from TCP, SNA, IPX, etc into frames that can
be sent over a Frame Relay wide area network.

FRADs are a hot topic in data comms because companies like
Netlink, Motorola, Stratacom are making lots of money
out of them.


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